Where do the problems with the patency of chimney systems come from and how to deal with them?

The frequency of inspections of chimneys is determined by law, and in the case of private houses, an experienced chimney sweep should deal with this issue at least once a year. Of course, this does not change the fact that the patency of the entire system must be constantly monitored by the user. Otherwise, a real tragedy may turn out. So, what are the main causes of clogged pipes?Why are chimneys clogged?The obstruction of pipes is mainly due to the fact that, unfortunately, many still decide to put things in stoves and fireplaces that should not be there. We are talking here primarily about synthetic, rubber and recycled materials. Of course, at the right temperature they will burn, and you will avoid having to sort them properly, although you will have to consider some consequences. Which ones? The whole process produces a huge amount of smoke and, even worse, soot.Over time, it begins to literally stick to the diameter of the chimney. This leads to a significant drop in performance. Since this is a long-term effect, at the very beginning the user may have a feeling of impunity. When a case is clearly ignored, the worst can happen. Soot at the exhaust outlet, where the temperature is the highest, ignites, and there is simply no time to react effectively. It is worth knowing that prolonged heating with wet firewood can also contribute to such a situation. How to deal with this problem?The point is not only that it is extremely dangerous, but also that in the light of the current construction law, such a procedure does not make sense. The order can only be carried out by a specialist qualified as a chimney master. Cables are unlocked and cleaned using specially designed balls. However, in extreme cases, milling may be required. We should never forget about the seriousness of the problem. It is enough to imagine the scale of the tragedy caused by the leakage of exhaust gases inside, with the main role of carbon monoxide. mines apostas