The Path of Enlightenment

Hundreds of treatises have been written about achieving enlightenment, and many of them tell about their Path to Perfection. Inliranga is no exception – a comprehensive teaching about achieving a harmonious life. Everyone has their own road to perfection, and real mentors, such as Teacher Kalki, help to walk this path, which has a beginning, but there is no end in the ordinary human understanding.The first steps are the most popular interpretation of the term enlightenment – unconditional awareness of the nature of reality. To understand how the universe works is a natural human desire, and while science has only got close to revealing the simplest secrets, everyone has the right to decide what to believe on their own. But why believe – if you can try to find out yourself!To begin with, you need to learn how to disable the internal dialogue. The first steps are always the most difficult and it is worth starting to control your "I" gradually:- Find out what prevents you from stopping the internal dialogue;- To train willpower; - To fix the inner intention;- Constantly train.The last point is especially important. A teacher can give knowledge, but the student must use it correctly. Sometimes, alone, you can set an alarm clock to remind you of the need to stop a mental conversation with yourself at a given frequency.It is easier to stop the internal dialogue if you control your body – breathe evenly, unfocus your gaze or, conversely, focus on something.The first successes will be the first steps to ascend to a new level of spiritual man.KarmaKarma is a concept from Indian religions, the law according to which a person's good or bad actions change his fate. The best way to keep your karma pure is to get rid of suffering. The only reason you can feel bad one way or another is attachment. Things and people around us are not eternal and ultimately unimportant, so you should accept it and stop worrying about trifles. If you get rid of unrealistic dreams and just enjoy what you have, the goals set will become achievable very quickly! The main thing is to direct your efforts to really doable tasks – groundless hopes are the first step towards reckless actions, deterioration of karma, and, consequently, the quality of life in general.You need to train yourself to think positively, concentrate and not take to heart what is happening around you all the time, and how to learn this. And it is also important not to forget that it is constantly on the move. Knock – and you will be opened, bring joy to every minute of the life of the people around you, radiate confidence and happiness. Remember – like is attracted to like! It will be enough to relax and smile and something good will definitely happen! The more time you devote to activity, the more energy you will have for new achievements. slot big win 777