Vacuum Cellulite Massager

The problem of "orange" crust on the legs and thighs, as a rule, appears with weight gain. However, cellulite is often found in fairly slender girls. The causes of this cosmetic defect are an unbalanced diet, insufficient physical activity, metabolic disorders and hormonal imbalance. Everything leads to the formation of fat cells under the skin, which are manifested by ugly bumps on the surface of problem areas. However, with some effort, each of the women is able to defeat the "orange peel". And the best helper for the destruction of cellulite will be a vacuum massager. How does this device work? We will tell you further.

The principle of operation of a vacuum cellulite massager
This tool is designed to eliminate muscle tension and cope with the formation of orange peel on problem areas of the female body. Of course, in order to achieve the best result, in addition to using a massager, it is necessary to follow the rules of a healthy diet and exercise physical activity. But by purchasing this magic device, you will be able to significantly save on expensive salon procedures, because you will fight cellulite yourself, at home.

The principle of operation of the anti-cellulite vacuum massager is that it affects the deep layers of the skin, improving blood circulation and renewing the cells of the dermis. This effect is provided by vibrating rollers, gently gripping skin folds. Then there is a vacuum effect on the skin of problem areas, as a result of which fat cells are destroyed. In addition, the device helps to eliminate toxins from the body, restores the skin, reduces the appearance of cellulite.
An indication for the use of a vacuum massager is any stage of the cosmetic defect in question. However, with varicose veins, skin pathologies and the presence of tumors, it is impossible to use the device to eliminate cellulite. It should not be used by those who have open wounds and abrasions on their body. During pregnancy, if there are problems with the kidneys and the cardiovascular system, this anti-cellulite device is not used.

How to use a vacuum cellulite massager?
Before you start the massage, you need to take a warm shower and treat the skin with a scrub. Then wipe dry, take a massager and treat each area of the problem area with it for at least 5, but not more than 20 minutes. The movements should be soft. At the end of the procedure, an anti-cellulite agent is applied to the skin.
It should be noted that after the massage, small bruises may appear on the body, but they pass quickly enough. It is not recommended to use this device for abdominal treatment.
Anti-cellulite massage using a vacuum massager is carried out in courses. The procedure is performed three times a week for three months. Then they take a two-week break and repeat the course if desired.

How to choose a vacuum massager?
Today, manufacturers of such tools offer a huge variety of models that differ in price and quality. Therefore, when choosing a device, you should pay attention to some details:
The massager kit should contain nozzles of different widths and configurations.
It is best if the handle of the device is plastic and elastic, so that it is convenient to use and handle the most remote areas of the body.
The massager should be compact and have small dimensions. It's good if it runs on batteries.
All parts of the anti-cellulite device must be removed and washed in hot water with detergents. You can also use a dishwasher for these purposes.
And finally, we share one secret: ordinary silicone or glass jars that are placed on your back when you have a cold can replace an expensive vacuum massager for cellulite. You can buy them at any pharmacy for a small price. The effectiveness of these tools is in no way inferior to the action of a vacuum massager. You will be able to verify this on your own experience.