Metal rolling process

Rolled thin-sheet and thick-sheet steel in the global industry accounts for almost half of all rolled metal. The initial blanks for it are ingots with a rectangular cross-section (they are called slabs) obtained during crimping.Thin-sheet steel is produced in sheets and rolls. It is divided into hot-rolled steel and cold-rolled steel.Hot-rolled steel serves as a structural material in buildings that are not critical to appearance. It is made of slabs that have been heated in a methodical furnace before rolling. After rolling, the steel sheets are cut on a guillotine, marked and fed into a passing roller furnace for heat treatment in order to impart the necessary mechanical properties. This is done by tempering, annealing, normalization or quenching.Cold-rolled sheet steel is favourably distinguished by a combination of properties such as uniform thickness, absence of scratches and internal defects, smooth smooth surface without scale. It is in demand where the combination of appearance and quality of the internal structure is critically important. So, it is from it that the external parts of the car body are formed.Such a variety of high-grade metal products as fittings has found wide application in construction. It serves as the basis of reinforced concrete structures. It is made of cast long beams of square cross-section (blum) by the method of hot rolling. In its production, a cycle of shafts of decreasing size is used. Passing through them, the bar each time acquires an increasingly thin and long shape, gradually turning into a familiar reinforcing bar.The variety of cross-section shapes of high-grade rolled metal is based on theoretical calculations of the resistance of materials. There are two types of high-grade rolled metal: the tangent to any point of the line describing the section does not intersect with this line; the tangent intersects the line describing the section at one or more points.An example of a shape that determines mechanical properties is a channel. The shape of the channel allows it to resist bending and longitudinal loads. It is used to give rigidity and stability to structures without increasing their mass. For example, it is used as beams, machine parts, cranes. This is a hot-rolled profile, the cross-section of which resembles the letter “P” in its shape. There are special GOST standards for the dimensions and grade of steel used for its production. Buy Viagra Super Active cheap online.