Lentil soup with pickles

What is bliss? Everyone imagines it differently. Many will agree that having a delicious, fragrant hot soup for lunch is true bliss. Although, who can disagree with this. As they say, there is no comrade for taste and color. Well, for those who feel true bliss when eating hot, fragrant soup, below is a recipe for one of the most interesting soup. This is lentil soup with pickles.
1 pickles - 2 pcs .
2 Red lentils
3 Onion - 1 pc .
4 Carrots - 2 pcs.
5 Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l
. 6 Potatoes - 3 pcs.
7 Vegetable oil - 30 ml.
8 Greens - at your discretion
9 Salt - at your discretion
10 Pepper - to taste.
Cooking method.
1. The initial stage is a thorough washing of lentils. The more thoroughly each bean is washed, the tastier our dish will come out.

2. Next, put the washed lentils in a saucepan and bring it to a boil. When the lentil broth has boiled, we remove the foam from it regularly. The foam must be removed immediately upon its formation. There should be exactly 2.5 liters of water.

3. Now you need to peel the potatoes and cut them into neat pieces. When the potatoes are sliced, we throw them into a saucepan with lentils and there they should boil under a closed lid for at least twenty minutes. In this case, the pan should stand on the smallest fire, then the onions are peeled, then the carrots are peeled. Small fire

4. Carrots are rubbed with straws on the largest grater. Onions should be cut into large cubes. And
now we heat the frying pan with a small amount of sunflower oil. It should be heated over high heat, when it is already in a frying pan, put onions and grated carrots there

5. While onions and carrots are fried, cut cucumbers into cubes.

6. Meanwhile, onions and carrots are stewed over medium heat for at least three minutes.

7. After three minutes, add tomato paste to the carrots and onions and mix. It is necessary to mix the ingredients quite thoroughly, until a homogeneous mass is formed. Now cucumbers are mixed with this mass. Mix all the ingredients again until a uniform, homogeneous mass is formed.

8. Next, not much broth from the pan is added to the pan. You need to add about 50-60 milliliters. No more, but no less. We continue to simmer the mixture, now with a bud.

9. Simmer for about five more minutes.

10. After this time, the roast is ready. It's time for salt and spices. We add them to your own taste. It is added to the soup.

11. The salted soup will cook for another ten minutes.

12. Then the greens are added and the soup is removed from the fire.

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