Weight and fertility

The probability of conception is reduced not only by overweight expectant fathers and mothers. Excessive slimness of a woman most often also negatively affects the reproductive function. After all, for the gestation and subsequent feeding of the baby, fat reserves in moderation will not hurt at all. If there are no energy reserves "for a rainy day", maybe nature believes that a woman is not yet ready to become a mother?What is the most favorable body weight for conception?The probability of getting pregnant is higher in women with a body mass index (BMI) of 18.5-25. BMI = body weight (kg) / (height in m)2. For example, if a woman is 175 cm tall, the maximum permissible lower limit of weight for her is 57 kg, and the maximum permissible upper limit is 66 kg. With a height of 170 cm, it is desirable that a woman's weight is in the range of 56.5-65 kg, and with a height of 165 kg - in the range of 55.5-64 kg. Weight deficiency and reproductive function in women with a BMI of less than 18, the probability of getting pregnant is reduced. Lack of adipose tissue leads to insufficient production of estrogens and other hormones. A significant decrease in body weight can lead to a violation of menstrual function up to amenorrhea - the cessation of menstruation. If your primary goal is to get pregnant and successfully carry a baby, you should give up dieting and gain some weight.The effect of excess weight on the probability of conception of excess body weight is indicated by a BMI of more than 25, and exceeding the body mass index of 30 is already a sign of obesity. In these cases, as a rule, metabolism and hormonal balance in the body are also disrupted. If excess weight is a consequence of overeating, it is worth going on a diet and increasing the physical load on the body. If excessive body weight is a consequence of any disease, for example, a violation of carbohydrate or fat metabolism, it is necessary to consult a therapist or an endocrinologist.Excess weight can be a sign of polycystic ovary syndrome, a disease that leads to infertility. Also, being overweight reduces the likelihood of successful IVF and successful pregnancy. It increases the likelihood of complications in pregnant women such as hypertension, preeclampsia. During childbirth, overweight pregnant women are more likely to have premature discharge of amniotic fluid and weakness of labor activity.In men, overweight also often leads to a violation of the production of sex hormones and a decrease in reproductive function.Recommendations for overweight women trying to get pregnant As a result of the studies conducted, it was found that 80% of women who lost only 10% weight had significantly improved reproductive function even without additional treatment.In order to lose weight, in addition to a diet, it is recommended:- Consume about 1 liter of clean drinking water per day;- give up alcohol;- consult a nutritionist and gastroenterologist;- do yoga and swimming, brisk walking.Complete starvation, especially carried out without medical supervision, is likely to only reduce the likelihood of pregnancy, since it is stressful for the body. I never thought I would say this, but I think that in addition to this way of earning any other sure sucks because this is the easiest way to make money and I do not understand why everyone is not sitting on such a wonderful site patrick spins and simply do not make a shovel of dough because it's really easy and simple, come and go and start making money, only on this site it is possible so if you need big money come and here you just have them and easily earned only here.