Tips for completing the game Halo Wars 2 - Mission 4: One Three Zero

The main tasks are to free the prisoners (4), take control of the research center and hold their position until evacuation.

Optional goals :

Keep Alice alive throughout the mission.
Don't let the prisoners die (4).
Collect all the resources (16 boxes).


Kill the terrified Grant before he runs away.
Kill the enemy troops with a Spartan strike.

Destroy the generator to free your soldiers. Sometimes you will have to get rid of hostile engineers first.

You will start the mission with another Spartan on your side - Alice-130. Use her special ability to destroy enemies below. Alice can also use this ability to capture larger vehicles, which will come in handy later. Kill the guards, destroy the generator and free your soldiers. Send them to the elevation on the left - there you will find two locations with warehouses. In the meantime, send Alice to the elevation on the right, where you will find more buildings and resources. Join forces and attack the second prison camp. You will be attacked by one squad of grunts, but after a few seconds they will begin to retreat. If you eliminate them fast enough, you will get an extra bonus at the end of the mission. Send some troops north to find the warehouses, and Alice to the third prison camp.When you start attacking the generator, enemy reinforcements in the form of Engineers will appeal. These are flying units that will repair the generator. You will have to eliminate them first. Now destroy the last warehouse located in the north.

Fight mines and use trenches.

Now you have to protect the research center. Destroy four energy warehouses, install towers at the left and right entrances and upgrade them to the anti-personnel version. Place your infantry in barricades (the best option is Infernal Carriers due to low health). Make sure Alice makes the first strokes. Her shield will recover, so you don't have to constantly call for repair drones.You can use the remaining resources to set mines at one of the entrances. Keep the Archer Rocket as a last resort. The first wave will consist mainly of infantry. Other waves will consist of light vehicles and Wraith tanks. Try to take control of one of the tanks. Choose the one that is far enough away from your troops - so he should have the most health points. Ghosts are very strong - they cause huge damage to infantry and have shields. The last wave consists of light and heavy infantry (like Cyclops, they cause significant damage to vehicles). Eventually, you will be attacked by a special type of exiled infantry that will use jetpacks to get closer to your soldiers. They perform melee attacks and do a lot of damage. Survive this attack and you will complete the mission.