Acute hemorrhoids are a serious problem that even a person who is confident in the ideal state of his health can face. After all, the first stage of development of the disease is asymptomatic. To get rid of exacerbation, and even better - to prevent it before the appearance of painful symptoms is an important task facing every person faced with hemorrhoids.
The first sign of exacerbation of hemorrhoids is acute pain in the nodes formed in the rectum. Most often, the pain accompanies defecation, as well as sneezing and coughing. In advanced cases, blood may even appear from the rectum.
The causes of acute hemorrhoids (or exacerbation of a chronic disease) may be the following factors:
- inclusion or increase in the diet of a share of sharp, salty and spicy dishes (causing a rush of blood to the pelvic organs);
- violations of the digestive system caused by malnutrition, or, in other words, constipation or diarrhea, diarrhea;
- a sedentary lifestyle, and in particular - sitting work;
- sharp and unexpected physical activity, first of all - the rise of heavy objects.
All these factors can lead to infringement or loss of hemorrhoidal nodes, the appearance of sharp pains and even thrombosis. But it is the infringement of hemorrhoids that is the main symptom of hemorrhoids. The nodes are formed both inside the rectum and outside it. In the second case, the aggravating factor is the constant irritation of the sphincter muscle and, as a result, painful cramps.
In contrast to the statement that hemorrhoids “will pass”, you can repeat the recommendations of doctors: as soon as possible, seek qualified help, because missing the disease at an early stage is very easy and very dangerous. One of the complications of hemorrhoids can be thrombosis, and this is a much more serious problem than the physical inconvenience associated with spasms.
Can hemorrhoids be treated at home? It all depends on what result you want to achieve. If you get rid of primary symptoms, then you can do with home remedies. If you are not attracted by the prospect of translating the disease into a chronic stage or getting complications, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible.
The first stage of treatment is the elimination of edema and soreness of nodes, inflammation in the rectum. To achieve the optimal effect, medication (external and internal) should be selected by the doctor. The second stage is the intake of drugs leading to resorption of already formed blood clots, liquefaction of blood. With early asking for help, such conservative therapy is very effective. In those cases when the disease is launched, the doctor can recommend a surgical path (removal of hemorrhoidal nodes, or their purification from blood clots). to be honest this is the only site that fulfils dreams, if you have any dreams they are probably more materialistic so I tell you what you need to do, go to this great site you know and start earning real money that will never get you down no matter what but this money will never get you down and vice versa slottica so think about it and come here and start earning.