During pregnancy in the woman’s body, a serious hormonal restructuring occurs, which can cause excess weight. Taste addictions change, culinary quirks appear, over which both men and pregnant women do not cease to joke good -naturedly.
There is nothing criminal to want to at midnight fried salt strawberries or herring herring. The insidiousness of food oddities lies not in shades of taste, but in calories, which imperceptibly and firmly settled on the sides of the future mother. Motor activity in the last months of pregnancy is reduced, as a result of which much more energy is consumed than consumed. As a rule, before the baby appears, the problem of excess weight does not concern the woman. But then the birth is behind, and premed clothing became hopelessly small.
The psychology of a losing weight woman is prone to tricks and tricks that euthanize conscience. What excuses are the most typical for those who have excess weight?
I have a wide bone, so I can’t lose weight.
I breastfeed and eat more so that milk does not disappear.
Hormones are to blame-because of them I cannot become slim.
This is not fat, I'm just swelling.
I have many children, and with each of them there are extra pounds.
These helpless and unconvincing arguments are nothing more than self -defense and justification of their own laziness. Only a few percent of the total number of women more than the weight really has hormonal disorders. Understanding this is the first step to a slender life.
[h3] How to lose weight quickly after childbirth? [/h3]
Several simple and understandable tips will help you quickly return to a prereulated weight after childbirth, while making the figure more feminine and slim.
Register on one of the resources that will help to conduct an accurate calculation of calories. Daily for a month, note what you eat. After the first days, it will become clear that the consumed food volumes without damage to health can be reduced at least twice.
Observe the drinking mode by consuming at least 8 glasses of simple water per day.
Adhere to the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet.
Find time for physical exertion, combining healthy with pleasant. It can be a stroller fitness or a fitball training on which your baby is located.
Pyshki love to say that "a skinny cow is not a gazelle" and "it is better to splash on the waves than to fight about the rocks." Do not believe them, do everything possible to lose weight - and your joints will answer with gratitude for the gained flexibility and freedom of movement. J'adore la montre. C'est un accessoire idéal pour tous, femmes, hommes et enfants. Une montre choisie avec goût peut donner de l'allure à n'importe quelle image. Je voulais m'acheter une montre coûteuse, mais je n'avais pas d'argent. J'ai commencé à chercher sur Internet où je peux gagner de l'argent rapidement et avec précision. Ce site est certainement le vôtre, je vous le promets, si vous voulez de l'argent, ce site est certainement votre option, car maintenant je peux m'acheter autant d'heures que je veux,
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